Objectives of the renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning
The primary objective of the Agenda is to strengthen the role of adult learning in the participating countries. Adult education is the weakest link in the development of national systems for lifelong learning.
In order that the adult education sector can make its contribution to realising the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, efforts are required in the following areas, among others, in terms of the Agenda for Adult Learning:
- Increase in the participation rate of adult education, in particular for low-skilled workers;
- Concentration on learning outcomes, in which the focus is on the independent learner, irrespective of where he or she learns – whether it is at work, at home, in the local community, within the scope of volunteer work or in training facilities or educational institutions;
- Support for effective and efficient financing options for the adult education sector;
- Support for opportunities for a “second chance” and the acquisition of basic skills such as reading and writing and numeracy as well as the acquisition of basic skills in the area of information and communication technology;
- Target-group-oriented learning for people with disabilities as well as target-group-oriented learning for older adults;
- Target-group-oriented learning for migrants, early school leavers and young people who are not in school education, vocational training or permanent employment;
- Collaboration among employers, social partners and civil society.
Key objective
A key objective of the renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning is to increase the participation rate of measures for adult education in the European Union (EU). In the strategic framework for European collaboration in the area of education and vocational training (ET 2020), the following objective was identified: Participation of at least 15% of the adult population between 25 and 64 years of age in measures for education and vocational adult training by 2020. The value of the most recent European labour force survey is key here (EU AKE).