European Adult Learning in Germany

Who we are

Adult education is one of the pillars of the European Education Area and actively contributes to shaping a resilient and inclusive Europe. The two National Coordination Points "European Agenda for Adult Learning" and EPALE as well as the Erasmus+ Adult Education Programme are located in the National Agency at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training - The three projects support the implementation of the goals of the European Education Area. Together they form the area of European Adult Learning in Germany.

NCP Agenda - The National Coordination Point of the European Agenda for Adult Learning provides information on European goals and priorities in adult education and supports their national implementation.

Erasmus+ Adult Education - Erasmus+ is the European Unions funding programme for education, training, youth and sport. So far, more than 12 million people and many institutions have benefited from the programme. Find out more about Erasmus+ adult education measures here.

EPALE - The e-platform for adult education in Europe, is a platform for adult education professionals to share information, network and find project partners across Europe. Find out more about EPALE here.

Inform. Network. Fund.

In order to implement the common goals, the two National Coordination Points EAAL and EPALE as well as the Erasmus+ Programme pursue the following guiding principle: "Inform.Network.Fund". With their actions, they contribute positively to the shaping of a European Education Area. One of their goals is to promote exchange between different regional and local levels and to inspire multipliers, stakeholders, experts from science and practice, continuing education providers, associations, teachers and learners from adult education for European topics and cooperation.